Dragonfli Girl

Graphic Designer-At-Home-Mom turned beauty entrepreneur as owner of Dragonfli Tropicals™ . Care for yourself, for one another, and our world.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Taking a step…kinda

One of the worst things I do to myself is procrastinate. At least I admit it.

Not only do I procrastinate, I do "productive" things to delude myself that I'm progressing. Case in point: my zeal for researching and looking for information to aid in my tasks. I think to myself, "I rock and, look, I'm going to do this. I'm getting closer to my goal." In actuality, I'm standing in the same place I stood an hour ago.

I've got books on starting, publishing, editing, marketing, and distributing a magazine. I've even got half of my business plan together. All I need now are numbers and I'm set! So where do I find those numbers? I'm going to keep looking.

I have to get those numbers and understand them so I don't go crazy trying to figure it out. Maybe I can use some outside help on this one.

At least I'm not procrastinating.


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